Automakers are loading their cars up with advanced new safety technology as a way to make their cars stand out in an increasingly crowded market. Safety is gaining in importance to the American consumer at a very fast pace. Starting in 1990, all cars, by Federal Law, must have some form of passive restraint, such as "Automatic Seat Belts" and/or an "Air Bag." In presenting safety, be aware that your Buyer does have real concerns. Don't assume safety isn't important and wouldn't be a buying factor-it is! Why Present Safety?
1.Security and Self-Preservation2.Create Interest-Builds Desire to own
3.Aids in justifying the investment
4.Is an "Emotional" deciding factor
5.Resale Value
6.Distinguishes you as a "PRO"
Use the "17 Point Safety Presentation" as it applies to your particular car. Be sure to keep your presentation moving and informative. Role-play this presentation with your fellow salespeople whenever you have any unapplied selling time.
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